In a time where personal style easily translates to creating a personal brand, why not start blogging and share your passion with the world?
“Nnnnnggg”, we hear you stressing, “Where exactly do I start?”
Glad you asked – here are five hot tips from ladies currently killing the game.
1. Hustle hustle HUSTLE!
It’s a big, scary world out there, but if you want to make an impact, you need to put on your big girl pants, be brave, and reach out – to everyone. Talk to everyone you know about what you are doing, what you are looking for, and what you hope to achieve. Your neighbour probably knows where to find a great field of sunflowers to offset your sundress style, and your nanna may be hoarding a stock of classic mid-heels that you never knew you wanted.
In a recent interview with Fashion Journal, up and coming fashion PR gun Georgia Zogopoulous (of GGPR) stated “Relationships are everything… You are never alone. Surround yourself with inspiring like-minded people and build a support network.”
Every industry has a community – it’s only a matter of reaching out to find it. You never know who could turn out to be your future business partner.
2. Believe in your angle
With a million different fashion blogs out there, what makes yours different? Do you believe in it with all your heart and passionate soul?
Melbourne model Darcy Spinks loves to serve up BTS shots from her shoots, with a side of health and wellness, something fundamental to her life that would be noticeably absent if it didn’t feature at least a little.
Darcy tells All The Dresses: “I feel by sharing my life across Instagram I get a very positive response, because the more genuine you are, the more other people can relate. I like to think I’m quite a positive person, and I hope by being positive it rubs off on those who follow me.”
Her love for kicking butt (quite literally) and showing off her country roots between between editorial shoots give Darcy a real, genuine angle – she’s just being Darcy, and sometimes, that relatability is the most appealing part of following a blogger.
“I have good and bad days like everyone else though, and it’s also important to include that, to show everything is good in moderation. I feel it’s important to share my journey because I know a lot of my followers are young, and I want to set good examples and encourage them to live a healthy/balanced lifestyle too.”
(Darcy elaborates further here).
3. Consistency is key
The million dollar question – how often to post?
The answer varies depending on who you speak to, but the consensus is – be consistent.
In this fast-paced world, momentum and continuum are Queen(s). Creating new quality content and posting regularly is possibly the most exhausting aspect to fashion blogging, but it’s also your bread and butter.
Travel and fashion blogger Laura Marslen, of @theclutteredsuitcase, tells All The Dresses “I find it’s important to post at least every couple of days. It’s not as though I’m out shooting new content weekly, either – I have a full time job, as most bloggers do – so I keep content up my sleeve and try to feed it out at regular intervals. It’s the only sustainable way to keep this up. My recent overseas trip should keep me going until I’m off on the next.”
And what a trip!
4. DO pay attention to detail
Wow, just wow.
Take a glance at @life.with.three ’s feed and your eye will be drawn to flowers tucked behind ears, delicate earrings and dreamy silk scarves. Rachel goes the extra mile, and boy, does it pay off – her combination of settings and style are nothing short of stunning. Boyfriends of Instagram behold – @caravandan is the man!
5. Smile, it feels good
A glance at Sydney’s @teganphillipa’s IG feed will offer you one trusty, and final wholesome piece of advice: don’t take yourself too seriously. Acknowledge that you won’t always get it right – that everyday you are open to trial and error – nobody is perfect – it’s all fun and games, in the end.
These ladies are all so different, but what they have in common is their passion, their openness, their willingness to put in the hard yards, and of course, their success!
So what are you waiting for? Get it gurl!
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