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Fashion Tips

How to Choose a Dress that Complements Your Skin Tone

Choosing the right dress goes beyond the design or cut; it’s often about the colour. Ever noticed how some shades highlight your features while others seem to dull your glow? The key isn’t in the latest trends but in understanding your skin’s undertone.

When you select dresses based on your undertone, you elevate your style to a level where fashion meets natural harmony. Ready to discover how to make your skin and outfit sing in perfect harmony? Let’s dive deeper into the world of undertones.

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How to Discover Your Skin’s Undertone

Before we get all colour-crazy, let’s decode what “undertone” really means. Think of it as the subtle hue just beneath your skin’s surface. While your overall skin colour can change depending on the weather (hello, summer tan!) or your mood (blushing much?), your undertone remains steady. It’s like your skin’s BFF, always there, steadfast and true.

Here’s some cool (and warm) tricks for working out your skin’s undertone.

Vein Observation
Glance at the veins on your wrist in natural light. Do they lean towards a blue or purple shade? You might have cool undertones. If they appear slightly greenish, warm undertones are likely at play.

Jewellery Reflection
Think about the jewellery that flatters you most. Does silver resonate with your complexion? That’s a hint towards cool undertones. If gold seems to bring out a warm glow in your skin, you’re likely in the warm undertone territory.

The White Paper Test
Place a white sheet of paper next to your face and observe the contrast. If your skin casts a golden or yellow shade against the paper, warm undertones are predominant. A pink or rosy reflection suggests cool undertones.

If you find that you don’t lean distinctly towards either, you might have neutral undertones, giving you a versatile palette to play with.

Choosing the Perfect Dress for Your Undertone

Unlocking your undertone is like receiving the keys to a treasure chest of dresses that will consistently complement your natural glow. It really all comes done to the colour of the dress. Here’s how to pick the perfect dress for each undertone.

Cool Undertone

If you find yourself in the realm of cool undertones, seek the elegance of dresses in shades like sapphire blue, deep emerald, navy or powder blue. These colours can bring out a luminous quality in your complexion, making you stand out at any event.

Pinks and berries can be equally captivating. From the delicate blush of baby pink to the vivacious spirit of magenta and the richness of raspberry, these shades embrace the coolness of the skin and amplify its luminosity. The softer colours are best for daytime affairs and casual outings.

Crisp whites exude a purity against cooler complexions, offering a canvas that can be dressed up or down.

With its depth and vibrancy, ruby red becomes a showstopper when paired with cool undertones, especially for evening events.

Plums, purples or a soothing lavender also match very well.

When it comes to neutrals, cool greys such as slate and dove grey will help you strike a balance between understated elegance and sophisticated charm.

When accessorizing, lean towards silver, white gold, or platinum jewellery to mirror the cool hues and add a touch of sophistication.

While we definitely encourage trying things out, just be mindful of certain earthy tones; they might make you appear less vibrant than you naturally are.

Warm Undertone

Ah, the warm undertoned wonders! Your skin has a natural affinity for colours that remind one of sun-kissed afternoons and cozy autumn evenings.

Dresses in shades of terracotta, golden yellow, or olive-green don’t just wear well on you; they seem to dance in harmony with your skin. It’s like the universe itself tailor-made them for you.

Other colours which will work well are peach and apricot, rust or burnt orange, warmer shades of brown, and golden or mustard yellow. These will resonate with the warmth of your skin, giving a flattering or vibrant look.

Unlike stark white which might wash out warmer tones, cream or off-white should complement the natural warmth of your skin.

A bit unexpected, but teal can work really well, especially when it leans more toward the green side (rather than blue).

When it comes to accessorising, gold, bronze, and copper pieces are like the cherry on top, adding just the right amount of sparkle.

Icy blues or super-bright pinks might not be your best choices. Of course, rules are meant to be broken sometimes, so feel free to experiment or get others opinions.

Neutral Undertone

If you’re blessed with a neutral undertone, the colour palette is generous and forgiving, meaning you can choose quite a broad array of shades to mingle seamlessly with your skin. You can essentially just hover between the warmer and cooler tones. Lucky you!

Taupe and soft beige are often favourites of those with a neutral undertone as they strike a balance that’s neither too warm nor too cool. These shades provide a classic look suitable for any occasion.

On the bolder end of the spectrum, the allure of charcoal and burgundy can offer a depth that makes them perfect choices for evening wear or statement pieces.

Shades like teal and blush pink sit right in that sweet spot between warm and cool. Then there’s the greens, like olive and moss, that have a cool, earthy vibe.

If your event is demanding a vibrant look to really stand out, give coral a try. It’s a perfect balance of pink and orange that shines beautifully on neutral skin.

Sometimes colours that are overly bright or saturated might appear a bit overpowering against neutral undertones. This isn’t a strict “avoid”, but it’s worth being mindful of.

One of the coolest things about having a neutral undertone is that you can rock both gold and silver jewellery, even at the same time, so mix and match and try things out.

Beyond Skin Tone: The Complete Picture

While your skin’s undertone plays a starring role in choosing the dress that makes you shine brightest, don’t forget the supporting actors: your hair and eye colour. These elements can add another dimension to how colours play against your skin.

A fiery redhead might find that certain shades of green or rust complement them differently than someone with jet-black hair. Blue-eyed beauties might bond with certain blues that brown-eyed women don’t.

Despite these nuances though, your skin’s undertone remains the foundation guiding your wardrobe choices.

But the real secret is experimentation. The world of fashion has never been about strict rules. Everyone is uniquely different. So, while you have this nifty guide on undertones, don’t be shy to try on a dress that’s slightly outside the recommended spectrum. Sometimes it’s those unexpected choices that become the showstoppers.

There’s a special kind of magic when your outfit feels like an extension of you. That confidence, that glow—it’s unbeatable. So, next time you’re on the hunt for that perfect ensemble, consider the harmony of your skin undertones, hair and eyes.

For a treasure trove of over 10,000 designer dresses and accessories that speak your language, all available for hire Australia-wide, look no further than All The Dresses.